I hate books. It takes time and energy to read a book and finish it. Why do I join booklikes and write a blog about book? Why do you think people exercise in the gym knowing it takes time and energy to get a great body?
Wonderfully and Sentimentally entertaining. It revived a part of me that has been left in the dark corner of the shelf and start gathering dust. The part of me that I first discovered when I read Narnia and The Lord of the Rings. The joy was overwhelming. I love this book.
Douglas A. Anderson, Frank R. Stockton, Johann Ludwig Tieck, Richard Garnett, H. Rider Haggard, Andrew Lang, William Hope Hodgson, E.A. Wyke-Smith, David Lindsay, Clemence Housman, George MacDonald, Arthur Machen, A. Merritt, L. Frank Baum, Kenneth Morris, William Morri